fitneszblogger Lucy Mountain tévhit táplálkozás kalória
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A fiatal fitneszblogger tiszta vizet öntött a pohárba, és elárulta, miben van igazán sok kalória. 

A fiatal fitneszblogger úgy döntött, tisztázza az emberek fejében élő tévhitet a kalóriákkal kapcsolatban. Ugyanis véleménye szerint sok mindenről nem egészen azt gondoltuk eddig, ami a valóság. A 25 éves szépség összehasonlításokkal magyarázta az elképzeléseit.

Lucy a közösségi oldalán tette közzé a fotóit, amelyekhez egyesével magyarázatot is írt. Összehasonlította a mandulát a gumicukorral, a friss epret az aszalt eperrel, sőt, azt is elárulta, hogy nem kizárólag az étrenden múlik a fogyás.

Gondoltad volna, hogy ugyanolyan mennyiségű sós chipsben kevesebb a kalória, mint a zöldségmixből készült chipsben?

Salt and Vinegar Crisps vs Vegetable Crisps ⠀ ⠀ Each of these bowls contain 1 bag (40g) of crisps. The bowl on the left are salt and vinegar, the bowl on the right are mixed root vegetable.⠀ ⠀ Although the difference in calories is pretty minuscule, you’d expect the vegetable crisps to be considerably less calories right? This is just another little reminder that often there’s not much difference between the product marketed as the ‘healthy alternative’ and the real thing. So go for the thing you actually WANT to eat ⠀ ⠀ Although there are many different aspects that describe ‘healthy’ (yes - it IS subjective), such as salt content, micro-nutrient value and how that food makes them feel, calories play a fundamental part in weight management. This post isn’t to say 'TRACK EVERYTHANG, TRACK THAT DAMN CUCUMBER’, it’s more about looking at your diet within the context of a whole day - and eating the damn salt and vinegar crisps if that’s want you actually want.⠀ ⠀ I want this and all my comparison posts to give encourage freedom with your food choices, not restriction. When 80% of my diet within a day is full of adequate micros and macros, i will ALWAYS eat food I love purely for taste. Because life. Ygm. ⠀ ⠀ (All crisps are vegetable crisps )⠀ ⠀ Which side are you guys going for?⠀ ⠀ ⠀ *Crisps from Co-Op Irresistible range* - #theFFF #theFFFeed @thefffeed

LUCY MOUNTAIN (@thefashionfitnessfoodie) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Mindkét tálban ugyanolyan mennyiségű joghurt és gyümölcs található, mégsem egyforma a kalóriatartalmuk. Hiszen egyáltalán nem mindegy, hogy milyen gyümölcsöket választasz: attól még, mert valami egészséges, nem biztos, hogy fogyaszt is.

Fruit and yoghurt vs. Fruit and yoghurt ⠀ ⠀ Both of these bowls have 150g of greek yoghurt. Both of these bowls have 150g of fruit. However the difference in calories is approximately 300 calories.⠀ ⠀ I’m not saying the left bowl is any better the right bowl as both are full of wonderful micro-packed foods . I just wanted to show you guys how small changes to ingredients can change the caloric total ⠀ ⠀ This doesn’t mean you need to weigh and track every last strawberry (lol). It just means if your goal is fat-loss, being a little bit more mindful of the calories in what you’re eating will really help when making food choices ⠀ I firmly believe you should never cut anything out your diet you don’t want to. But I also know first hand how easy it to unknowingly remove a calorie deficit by eating something labelled as a ‘health food’ (Those coconut pieces came from a small grab and go 'snack pot’ but were 400 kcals )⠀ ⠀ Please note this post is not bashing fruit . This is purely from a fat-loss perspective and I’m fully aware of the lovely health benefits of ALL of the ingredients above (before ya’ll start throwing vitamins and minerals at me) ⠀ ⠀ I want to highlight some small tweaks which could help those looking to lose fat with simple swaps ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ Left bowl:⠀ - 150g Fage 0% Greek Yoghurt (78 kcal)⠀ - 50g Strawberries (16 kcal)⠀ - 50g Melon (15 kcal)⠀ - 50g Pineapple (25 kcal)⠀ ⠀ Right bowl:⠀ - 150g Fage Greek Yoghurt (142 kcal)⠀ - 50g Banana (45 kcal)⠀ - 50g Passionfruit (49 kcal)⠀ - 50g Coconut (196 kcal)⠀ ⠀ #theFFF #theFFFeed @thefffeed

LUCY MOUNTAIN (@thefashionfitnessfoodie) által megosztott bejegyzés,

Az is sokakat meglepett, hogy ugyanolyan tömegű tejcsokoládé és étcsoki közül az előbbi tartalmaz kevesebb kalóriát.

100g Milk Chocolate vs 100g 85% Dark Chocolate ⠀ ⠀ So it’s pretty unknown that dark chocolate actually has more calories than milk chocolate (and white chocolate for that matter.)⠀ ⠀ Dark is often given the label as the ‘healthy’ version of chocolate. And although calories aren’t the sole indicator of ‘healthy’, we just presume it has lower calories. So which one is best for weight-loss?⠀ ⠀ In most cases, Dark chocolate has less sugar, more fiber and more iron than milk. It’s basically more nutritious than milk chocolate.⠀ ⠀ Regardless, I will always go for milk for two reasons:⠀ ⠀ 1. I think Dark chocolate tastes like garden leaves.⠀ ⠀ 2. Chocolate isn’t something I’ll seek out when I’m looking to pack in those vitamins and minerals - especially in a diet that already consists of adequate fruit, vegetables and micronutrient-dense food I enjoy chocolate for it’s taste, not it’s nutritional value. My diet is inclusive of it always - no matter what my goal is at the time ⠀ ⠀ For those of who genuinely love dark chocolate, keep doing you . However if you PREFER the taste of milk, but force yourself to eat dark because you've read it’s 'healthier', just have the milk chocolate and enjoy it In terms of weight-loss from a calorie perspective, it’s actually more beneficial and will raise happiness levels by 938% (unproven stat.)⠀ ⠀ Don’t eat things you don’t enjoy for the sake of it. Personal enjoyment is ‘healthy’ in my eyes Which side are you guys?!⠀ ⠀ #theFFF #theFFFeed @thefffeed

LUCY MOUNTAIN (@thefashionfitnessfoodie) által megosztott bejegyzés,

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